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Mixing Heroin & Cocaine: Side Effects And Dangers (Speedballs)

From Some years, there has been a worrying trend of people mixing cocaine and heroin. This dangerous combination can have severe consequences for the user’s health. This interesting blog post will explore the dangers of mixing cocaine and heroin and provide some advice on staying safe.

What Are The Differences Between Cocaine & Heroin

Most people know that cocaine and heroin are both drugs that can be addictive and dangerous. What many people don’t know, however, is the difference between the two substances. Both drugs, cocaine, and heroin, are derived from plants – cocaine comes from the coca plant, while heroin comes from the opium poppy.

From there, the two drugs diverge in their effects. Cocaine is a stimulant, whereas heroin is an opiate suppressant. What this means is that cocaine will give users a boost of energy, while heroin will cause them to feel more relaxed.

The different effects of these drugs can make them appealing to other groups. However, both drugs are highly addictive and can lead to serious health problems. As a result, it’s essential to be aware of the dangers posed by both substances and seek substance addiction treatment.

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Dangerous short-term side effects of heroin abuse

The short-term side effects include constipation, slowed breathing, and increased risk of overdose. Heroin is an opioid drug that is derived from morphine. It is highly addictive and has a high potential for abuse. Short-term side effects of heroin abuse can include constipation, slowed breathing, and increased risk of overdose.

The slowing of the digestive system causes constipation. Slowed breathing can lead to oxygen deprivation and death. The increased risk of overdose is because heroin slows down the respiratory system.

People who use too much heroin may stop breathing entirely and die from respiratory failure. Dangerous short-term side effects of heroin abuse are severe and can be life-threatening.

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Long-term side effects of heroin addiction

It includes brain, heart, and liver damage. People addicted to heroin often experience a decrease in white blood cells, leading to an increased risk of infection. Heroin addiction can also cause constipation and abdominal pain. Long-term side effects of heroin addiction can also include anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

In addition, people who are addicted to heroin often have difficulty focusing and concentrating. Long-term side effects of heroin addiction can also include memory loss and cognitive impairment. Finally, people who are addicted to heroin often have a hard time controlling their emotions and may experience mood swings.

Speedballs: Mixing Heroin Cocaine

Cocaine is hazardous and can have disastrous consequences. Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that increases heart rate and blood pressure, while heroin is a powerful depressant that slows down the heart rate and breathing.

When these two drugs are combined, they can cancel out each other’s effects, leading to potentially fatal consequences. In addition, combining these two drugs can lead to unpredictable and dangerous side effects, such as hallucinations, delusions, and psychotic behavior. Mixing cocaine and heroin is not only incredibly dangerous, but it is also illegal.

How does heroin Interact With cocaine in your body?

 When people use drugs, whether once or twice, their bodies start to change. How long it takes and how much the person uses will determine the degree of change. Some changes are physical, such as an increase in heart rate. Other changes are chemical, happening at the cellular level.

When people use cocaine and heroin together, there is a greater chance for serious health consequences because the two drugs have different effects on the body and interact with each other in dangerous ways. 

Cocaine is a clear, significant stimulant drug that increases alertness, feelings of well-being, and talkativeness. It also constricts blood vessels (severe health issue), dilates pupils, and increases body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. These adverse effects can last for 30 minutes to an hour after a person takes a single dose. 

Heroin is a depressant that slows down the body’s systems. It can cause drowsiness and slow down breathing and heart rate. The effects of heroin can last for four to six hours. 

Both cocaine and heroin work by affecting the brain’s pleasure center. They increase dopamine levels, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. This is why people who use these drugs feel good when under the influence. However, this is also why people can become addicted to these drugs. 

Get Help For Heroin And Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine and heroin are two hazardous drugs that can have severe consequences for those who use them. While they may produce similar effects, they interact with different neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to different addiction types. Speedballs are especially dangerous because they combine two drugs (drug abuse).

If you or you know someone struggling with cocaine or heroin addiction, getting help as soon as possible is essential. Many resources, peoples, and even support groups are available to help you overcome addiction and start living a healthy life. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and our admissions coordinators are standing by 24/7 to help. Contact us to receive help for substance abuse treatment immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions: Heroin Vs Cocaine

What is a Speedball Drug?

A speedball is a type of drug that is made by combining cocaine and heroin. It is usually snorted, but it can also be injected or smoked. The effects of a speedball are similar to those of both cocaine and heroin, but they are more intense. Speedballs can make users feel energetic and euphoric but also cause anxiety and paranoia. In addition, speedballs can be highly addictive and have dangerous health consequences. Because of these risks, it is crucial to be very careful if you use a speedball.

Why are Speedballs Drugs Dangerous?

Speedballs are a combination of cocaine and heroin and are incredibly dangerous. Snorting cocaine and heroin separately is difficult enough, but combining the two drugs, they become even more potent. Speedballs can cause paralysis, heart failure, and death. They are also incredibly addictive, and users often develop tolerance quickly. This means they need to take more and more of the drug to get the same effect. As a result, speedball use can spiral out of control very quickly, leading to disastrous consequences.

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Akhgari, Maryam and Jokar, Farzaneh and Bahmanabadi, Leila (2020) Combined Ethanol, Cocaine, Heroin and Methadone Abuse: a Deadly Mix, Review of the Literature. Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology, 9 (4). pp. 165-169.

Gladden, R. M., O’Donnell, J., Mattson, C. L., & Seth, P. (2019). Changes in opioid-involved overdose deaths by opioid type and presence of benzodiazepines, cocaine, and methamphetamine — 25 states, July–December 2017 to January–June 2018. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 68(34), 737–744.

Nolan, M.L., Shamasunder, S., Colon-Berezin, C. et al. Increased Presence of Fentanyl in Cocaine-Involved Fatal Overdoses: Implications for Prevention. J Urban Health 96, 49–54 (2019).

Serena, K. (2018, June 27). Speedball: The deadly drug cocktail that’s claimed too many lives. All That’s Interesting. Retrieved December 20, 2022, from


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Magnified Health Systems aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

Picture of This content is verified and moderated by Dr. Brendan Bickley

This content is verified and moderated by Dr. Brendan Bickley

Dr. Bickley graduated from U.C. Irvine with honors: Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Key International Honor Society, Cum Laude. He has been featured on national radio and print media. He is also a frequent lecturer at National Conferences. He holds an A.S. degree in Drug & Alcohol Studies, and two B.A. degrees in Criminology & Psychology, and masters and doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology. He is a licensed California Drug & Alcohol Counselor Level II, a licensed Clinical Supervisor and is certified in treating Eating Disorders.

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